Homesteading, Gardening, and Off-Grid Living

Wood Chips Vs Mulch: What’s the Difference and Pros and Cons

By: Zac Friedman

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There are many different types of mulch that can be used for ground cover in your garden. One of the most popular types of mulch is wood chips. Other popular types of organic mulch include bark, straw, shredded leaves, grass clippings, and compost. There are inorganic mulches as well such as rock, rubber, or plastic sheeting. This guide explains the differences and outlines the pros and cons of wood chips vs other types of mulch. We’ll cover cost, longevity, environmental impact, aesthetics, and more. 

Wood chips are attractive, long lasting, and durable type of mulch. They also help reduce soil erosion and regulate soil temperature. Mulch usually adds more nutrients and organic matter to the soil. It also does a better job of retaining soil moisture. Wood chips work great in flower beds and around trees and bushes in the front yard where people will see them. Organic mulches are better for vegetable gardens. 

Wood Chips Vs Mulch for Landscaping: Pros and Cons

What are Wood Chips?

Wood chips are made from wood that has been ground up with a wood chipper. Wood chips can be made from any type of wood. Softwoods like cedar, cypress, and pine trees are common. Hardwood mulch made from oak or hemlock is also popular. Usually, they are made from the whole tree including the branches, stumps, bark, and even roots. Sometimes, they just contain wood from the trunk and branches. 

Wood chips come in a range of colors. Usually, they are the natural color of the tree. Dyed wood chips are also available. They come in red, black, yellow, and other colors. Wood chips also come in a range of sizes from large chunks to small chips. Most wood chips are 15-45mm long.

Playground wood chips
Playground wood chips

Other Types of Mulch

Wood chips are just one type of mulch. Other common types of mulch include bark, shredded wood, pine needles, shredded leaves, leaf mold, compost, grass clippings, straw, and hay. Inorganic mulches include pea gravel, lava rock, shredded rubber, landscape fabric, and plastic sheeting. 

You don’t have to use one type of mulch in your garden. Sometimes one mulch is better than another for a specific application. For example, compost may be the best option for your vegetable garden while wood chips may be the better option around a tree.

Hay mulch
Straw is a popular mulch

Pros of Wood Chip Mulch

  • They are attractive- One of the biggest benefits of wood chips is their looks. They have a nice uniform appearance. They have the same size, color, and texture. They are also available in different colors to suit different home colors and landscape designs. In addition, they create a nice contrast between your garden beds, your home, and your lawn. They can really tie your garden beds together and improve the curb appeal of your home. This is the main reason I like using wood chips in my front yard. 
  • Long lasting- Wood chips are one of the longest lasting types of organic mulch. On average, a thick layer of wood chips lasts 3-4 years. Some varieties, like cedar chips, can last 5-7 years because they degrade slowly. To compare, most regular mulches need a fresh layer every 1-2 years. The longevity of wood chips saves you time and money. 
  • They reduce erosion- Wood chips absorb quite a bit of moisture. They also help hold the soil in place. This reduces erosion. Less soil and nutrients will wash away when it rains when you don’t leave bare soil.
  • Temperature regulation- Wood chips help insulate the soil. They keep the soil cooler during the summer by creating shade. They also keep the soil warmer during the winter by creating a barrier between the soil and the snow and ice. This can extended the growing season slightly. In addition, they insulate to minimize temperature swings between the day and night. This reduces stress on your plant’s roots. This is important if you live in a region with extreme temperatures.
  • They are widely available- Wood chips are one of the most common types of mulch. They are available at every home and garden store and nursery. You can buy them by the yard or in plastic bags. Sometimes, you can even get free wood chips from tree removal companies. 
  • Moisture retention- Wood chips help the soil retain moisture longer by reducing evaporation. They achieve this by shading the soil and blocking the wind. They also absorb some moisture. This helps your plants stay hydrated. It also helps with water conservation. You won’t have to water your garden as frequently. You’ll also save money on your water bill.
  • Weed control- Wood chips act as a weed barrier. They prevent weed seeds that blow in or get dropped by birds from reaching the soil. They also block the sunlight from the soil so existing weed seeds have a harder time germinating and growing. Weeds struggle to push through several inches of heavy wood chips. Some weeds will still grow but you won’t have to weed nearly as much when you mulch with wood chips.
  • Resistant to soil compaction- Wood chips don’t compact when you walk on them. They also block the impact of heavy rain from compacting your soil. Your soil will stay looser as a result. Your plant roots can spread more easily when the soil isn’t compacted. Air and water also have an easier time passing through the soil. This is important because plant roots need oxygen and water.
  • They improve the soil quality- Wood chips aren’t the most nutrient rich mulch but they do add some nutrients to the soil as they degrade. They contain small amounts of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and zinc. You won’t have to use as much fertilizer if you apply wood chips. They also add organic matter to the soil. This increases soil mass and help the soil retain more moisture. 
  • Wood chips are safe- If you’re looking for a safe mulch, playground wood chips are one of the best options. They provide cushioning if a child were to fall on them. They are designed to be splinter free and hypoallergenic. If you’re looking for a safe mulch to use under a swing set or jungle gym, wood chips are one of the best options. For more info, check out my guide to playground playground mulch.
  • Wood chips are environmentally friendly- Wood chips are made from organic material. They degrade away over time. They don’t add any toxins or chemicals to your soil. Usually, they are a byproduct of tree removal and pruning. Sometimes they are made from recycled wood or waste wood. Trees usually aren’t harvested for wood chips. Using wood chips as mulch keeps them out of the landfill. You do have to be careful about where you source your wood chips. You’ll want to make sure they are organic. Some wood chips are made from waste wood or recycled wood that could have been treated with various chemicals, such as preservatives. It’s best not to put these in your garden.
A wheelbarrow and a pile of wood chip mulch

Cons of Wood Chips

  • Wood chips can attract some pests- Wood chips can attract termites. For this reason, you shouldn’t put wood chips right up against your home. To avoid infestations, leave a gap of at least a few inches. They can also attract carpenter ants. Some types of rodents can nest in wood chips. Snakes could also nest in them. To avoid attracting pests, consider using cedar mulch or cypress mulch. Cedar contains oils that can actually repel pests. 
  • They can make the soil more acidic- Wood chips can increase the acidity or lower the pH of your soil. The pH decrease is usually pretty negligible. It may be worth considering if you already have acidic soil or if you need to maintain neutral or alkaline soil for specific plants. 
  • Nitrogen depletion- Wood chips can temporarily deplete the nitrogen in the soil. This is because microbes need nitrogen to fuel their activity to break the wood down. They take this nitrogen from the surrounding soil. This temporarily reduces the nitrogen on the soil surface. This could cause a nitrogen deficiency. Particularly if the wood chips get mixed in with the soil. This nitrogen depletion is only temporary. As the mulch decomposes and the bacteria die off, the nitrogen is released back into the garden soil. This is an issue with all types of wood mulch. To avoid this, you shouldn’t till wood chips into your soil.
  • They don’t add many nutrients to the soil- Wood chips will add some nutrients as they degrade but the amount is pretty negligible. This is because wood degrades slowly. They also don’t contain as many nutrients as other types of mulch such as compost.
  • It could be a fire hazard- Wood chips can burn easily when they’re dry. If you live in an area that is susceptible to wildfires, it’s best not to use them near your house or any other structures. 
  • They can be expensive- On average, wood chips cost around $85 per cubic yard. You may be able to get them for cheap or free if you know someone who is getting some trees removed. Sometimes local tree companies will give away wood chips. There are cheaper mulch options. 
  • They can be a choking hazard for dogs- Some dogs will try to eat or chew on wood chips. Some wood chips can contain treatments or dyes that could be harmful to your dogs. If you notice your dogs chewing on your wood chips, try to train them to leave them alone. 
Wood chips

Pros of Mulch

  • There are many different types of mulch to choose from- Wood chips are one type of mulch. Other options include bark, shredded leaves, grass clippings, pine needles, straw, hay, compost, and manure. Inorganic materials such as rock or rubber can also be used as mulch. Sometimes one mulch is better than another. Some mulches are cheaper than others. Some provide more benefits for your plants and soil. One mulch may be more attractive than another. Wood chips aren’t always the best choice. 
  • There are free mulch options- You don’t always have to spend money to buy mulch. You can often use yard waste as mulch. For example, grass clippings, shredded leaves, and pine needles all make excellent mulch. If you don’t have these in your own yard, you can ask your neighbors. Chances are, they will be happy to give you some of their yard waste. 
  • Mulch adds nutrients to your garden- Organic mulches contain valuable nutrients such as nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. Most mulches contain more nutrients than wood chips. They also decay faster because the pieces are smaller. Grass clippings, shredded leaves, and straw all decay quickly. As the mulch degrades, it releases these nutrients into your garden. These nutrients improve soil fertility and support plant growth. They are also beneficial to microorganisms living in the soil. These microorganisms help break down organic matter to make the nutrients available for your plants. For this reason, organic mulch is better for smaller plants and new plants. 
  • Moisture retention- Some types of mulch do a better job of retaining moisture than wood chips. If you live in a dry climate or an area that is susceptible to drought, you may be better off using leaves, straw, or compost. 
  • Weed suppression- Pretty much all types of mulch can help suppress weed growth. Keeping the weeds down is one of the main reasons people mulch. Some of the best mulches for weed suppression include bark chips, leaves, and rock mulches. Landscape fabric can also be used under mulch to help keep the weeds down. 
  • Erosion reduction- Mulch helps hold the soil in place so it doesn’t wash away during heavy storms. It also helps prevent nutrients from washing out. 
  • Reduces soil compaction- Mulch provides cushioning from heavy rain, sprinklers, or foot traffic. When the soil stays looser, your plant’s roots can spread more easily.
  • Environmentally friendly- Organic mulch degrades over time. It doesn’t introduce anything toxic into your soil. Using free mulches is great for the environment because it keeps these materials out of the landfill. 
Mulch in a yard

Cons of Mulch

  • You have to re-apply more frequently- Most organic mulches don’t last as long as wood chips. On average, you’ll have to apply a fresh layer of mulch every year or every other year. Some mulches, like straw or grass clippings, will need a fresh layer of material multiple times per year. This adds more work for you. The cost can also add up. There are also mulches that last longer than wood chips. For example, rock mulch or rubber mulch can easily last a decade or more. 
  • Not as attractive- Most mulches don’t look as good as wood chips because they are less uniform or the color isn’t as nice. For example, pine straw can look kind of messy and it can turn gray as it ages. Hay will make your garden look like a farm. Rock is kind of bland. Wood chips are one of the most beautiful mulches in my opinion. 
  • Safety- Some types of mulch might not be as safe as wood chips. They may not provide as much fall protection if a child were to fall on them while playing. Some people may be allergic to some types of mulch. Some mulches may be more likely to contain fungi or various diseases. Some mulches might cause slivers. They may not be comfortable to walk on barefoot. 
  • Pests and disease- Some types of mulch can attract pests. For example, rodents and snakes can burrow in straw and hay mulch. Compost can attract insects. Some mulches are also more susceptible to disease. Grass clippings and leaves can create perfect conditions for various fungi to grow. Mold can be a serious issue. Compost can also carry disease if you don’t take some precautions. Wood chips can also attract pests and disease but it’s unlikely. They are generally a pretty clean type of mulch. 
  • Can be expensive- Some types of mulch are more expensive than wood chips. For example, rock mulch is usually more expensive. It does last longer so the annual cost is around the same. 
  • Some types of mulch can be displaced easily- Lightweight mulches like straw and hay can be blown around in the wind. Some mulches float. This is a potential problem with pine bark mulch nuggets. If your flower beds flood, they can float away. Some mulches can also migrate downhill. This can be a problem with pine straw. It doesn’t work well on slopes. 

Wood Chips Vs Bark Mulch

Bark mulch

These are two of the most popular mulches. Bark mulch is made only of the tree bark that has been stripped off and chipped into small pieces. Wood chips are only made from wood from the trunk and tree branches. Both can work well in flower beds, around trees and shrubs, and on walkways. 

Bark mulch comes in a range of textures from large bark nuggets to finely ground bark dust.* The different textures offer different aesthetics. Bark mulch is usually darker in color than wood chips. Some people prefer the look of bark mulch. 

Both bark mulch and wood chips perform similarly. There are a few main differences. Bark mulch can stay in place better than wood chips. It won’t slide around as much on an incline. Bark tends to float away more easily than wood chips if your garden floods during a storm. Wood chips don’t wash away as easily. Bark mulch is resistant to compaction.  

Wood Chips Vs Shredded Wood Mulch

These are similar mulches because they are made from the same material. Wood chips are made by running wood through a wood chipper. It cuts the wood into small chunks. Shredded wood is made by running the wood through a shredder. This results in smaller pieces with a shredded texture. Wood can be double shredded or triple shredded. This results in finer shreds. 

Both wood chips and shredded wood perform similarly. Shredded wood decays faster than wood chips because there is more surface area for the decomposers to work on. This allows shredded wood to release more nutrients into the soil. It does decay faster so it won’t last as long as wood chips. Shredded wood also absorbs more moisture than wood chips. 

The appearance is different as well. The smaller pieces of shredded wood can look more uniform. Different colors are available. Some shredded wood is dyed. Shredded wood can look nice in flower gardens. 

Mulch around a tree

My Experience

I use wood chips in my front yard because I like the way they look in my flower beds. They have a nice uniform look and dark color that ties my garden beds together. They also contrast nicely with my home and lawn. I think they improve the curb appeal of my home. I also like that they are long-lasting and low-maintenance. 

In my backyard, I don’t use wood chips in my vegetable garden. Instead, I usually use free mulches like pine needles, shredded leaves, compost, or grass clippings. I prefer these materials for my vegetable gardens because they contain more nutrients. Of course, I also appreciate that they’re free. 

Pretty much all types of mulch will help keep the weeds down, retain moisture, insulate your soil, and reduce erosion. Wood chips are beautiful, durable, and long-lasting. They can be an excellent choice for flower beds. Organic mulches provide more nutrients for your plants as they degrade. The best mulch really depends on what you’re trying to achieve. Hopefully, this guide helps you choose the best mulch for your garden. 

Do you use wood chips in your garden? Share your experience in the comments below!

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Wood Chips Vs Mulch for Landscaping: Pros and Cons

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